Rainbow Precinct Awarded Uptown Funding!
Yes that’s us! The Rainbow Precinct along with 20 other Sydney districts has been awarded some funding as part of the UPTOWN Program, supported by NSW Government. Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy John Graham announced that 21 successful districts across eight different local government areas in Sydney will each receive up to $200,000 to coordinate their efforts and build further consumer engagement.
“This is an exciting opportunity for groups of businesses and creatives in areas across Sydney who’ve laid out their visions to create well-known precincts with unique offerings for locals and visitors to enjoy,” Mr Graham said.
“Owners have enough on their plate with the day-to-day running of their businesses. The Uptown Grant Program allows these districts to hire dedicated resources to manage their combined initiatives, including events, marketing and operations.”
We hear you Minister and appreciate the support given our amazing part of the City. As Oxford St begins its revitalisation after a long period of lock-outs and lock-downs, this is perfect timing and an opportunity to get the word out there about the amazing businesses in our ‘hood (with more good things to come very, very soon).
Read more about UPTOWN program here…..