Rainbow Precinct
Rainbow Precinct
Take A Walk on the Wild Side… Come, Explore Sydney’s Rainbow Precinct… Fun and Fabulous, Sleek and Stylish, a Little Bit Sassy and a Whole Lot of Fun!
As the home of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, with a legacy that stretches decades, Oxford Street, Taylor Square and the surrounding area is a beacon for LGBTQIA+ people throughout Sydney and around the world.
Located on the fringes of Darlinghurst and Surry Hills, Rainbow Precinct has something for everyone. Check out the lively bars, delicious restaurants, unique retail, street art, vintage and street style. LGBTQIA+ businesses ensure the glitter and glam are never too far away!
Explore hidden rooftops for an alternative view of the Sydney skyline or settle in for a long brunch with drag queen entertainment, free flowing pours and a fun crowd. Soak up the sunshine and enjoy al-fresco dining, from morning till late at night - if you're awake, chances are that we are too.